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Number of Articles vs. Use of Propaganda Techniques Over Time

Shown are the total number of articles and the average number of propaganda techniques per article over time (monthly). Example: In the month of Dec 2018, the total number of articles about the topic was 41 each containing 30.37 propaganda techniques on average.

Number of Articles vs. Use of Propaganda Techniques Over Time
Shown are the total number of articles and the average number of propaganda techniques per article over time (monthly). Example: In the month of Dec 2018, the total number of articles about the topic was 41 each containing 30.37 propaganda techniques on average.


Average Number of Techniques per Article

Relative Proportion of Propaganda per Article

Shown is the proportion of propaganda tokens per article for the top-reporting media about the topic. Example: An article about the topic by Guardian would have on average 8.55% of its word tokens covered by an instance of use of a propaganda technique.

Distribution of General Frame of Reporting